Cancelled trip

All my thoughts go round and round

Every time I wonder how I sound

I don’t know what I can and can’t do

My thoughts are too many and just a few

Wanted to go on a journey with you

But I didn’t know, I had no clue

Let us please just walk far far away

There is nothing I should or I can say


Now we stand at this junction

My brain has stopped to function

Tell me is this the last crossroad

Are you able to carry all this load?

Which path do you want to take?

Please choose honestly and do not fake

Is this wise or is this the first mistake

I cannot sleep due to you, so I stay awake


You walked away and left me alone

Let me think, I sink down on a stone

Is this real-life or is it just a dream

Please tell me, I’m scared, I scream

So, you cancelled the trip altogether?

Without telling me about it whatsoever?

Now I am sitting in the middle of nowhere-land

Can’t hold you, nor can I hold your hand

Cannot go back because I have been banned.


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